We regularly have GP registrars attached to the practice. A GP Registrar is a fully qualified doctor with several years of hospital experience who intends to pursue a career in general practice and will spend a year undergoing training in general practice under the supervision of a GP trainer. Dr Jones is the trainer at Captain French Surgery.
We often have 4th and 5th year medical students at the practice, usually from Liverpool University. The students are with us for one year and learn about all aspects of family medicine. The students need to talk to and examine patients in order to learn. This is always under the supervision of a GP.
From time to time you may be asked to consult with someone in training or have them present when you are consulting with another doctor or nurse at the practice. If, however, you feel uncomfortable with this for whatever reason you are perfectly free to decline and should discuss this with the reception staff at the time. This will not impact upon your care in any way.